Salamandra Robotica II - Robot That Crawls, Swim And Walk | GIZCRUNCH


Monday, March 18, 2013

Salamandra Robotica II - Robot That Crawls, Swim And Walk

Salamandra Robotica II - Robot That Crawls, Swim And Walk
Salamandra Robotica II. Well, the name itself indicate some kind of robot which for sure will have some relations with salamanders. This robot seems to be inhabited by the salamander, which can swim, crawl as well as walk just like the real ones. The habit of swim indicates that the robot is water proof at some extent or one can say "water resistant". So, how does the Salamandra Robotica II functions or works? The Salamander Robotica II can perform mimicry similar to real salamander's using a digital neural network that is instructed to swim, crawl or walk, depending on the intensity of electrical signals through its "spinal cord" circuits. There is a remote "brain" laptop which mimics the signals that signals a real salamander brain sends to its spinal cord, which enables the robot to change its speed, direction and gait through triggering a simple electronic signal. So, where do you think the robot might be useful? Leave your comments below.Stay tuned for more updates.

gapingvoid art

SOURCE: newscientist

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